to St Luke’s

We are an open and diverse Anglican Parish that fully enjoys partnership with the South Melbourne community about us. Our worship is quiet, reflective, orthodox and open to all. Be it on Sunday mornings at 10am, or at our Community Lunch on Wednesdays at 12:30pm, we seek to provide safe and secure opportunities where any and all can come and meet together in Christ.

St Luke's hopes to be open for public prayer during the week soon.

Service Times

Sunday 10:00am
Holy Communion


210 Dorcas Street
South Melbourne


0428 791 509
or via webform

Child safety

We at St Luke’s South Melbourne all agree that our church must be a safe and secure environment for all who attend. Parents of children attending services or events at St Luke's are responsible to care for and supervise their own children at all times. We welcome all people, and we adhere to the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne’s Code of Conduct for Child Safety, ​a copy of which can be found here.

All other Anglican Diocese of Melbourne Key Safe Ministry Documents can be found here.

Electronic Giving

If you are a regular member of St. Luke’s and wish to give electronically,
please use the following bank account details.

St Luke’s Parish Giving
BSB: 703-122
Account number: 005008962